Administrative Law
Administrative Law
One of the focus points of our law firm is administrative law. Disputes between the state and its citizens are therefore our main focus. For well over a decade, our experts in administrative law have been assisting clients throughout Germany and across borders with a large number of the most difficult and also nationally known cases arising from the broad spectrum of legal difficulties in administrative law. In this context, the unusually high number of administrative law experts is at your side to advise you on recurring legal disputes in matters of police and regulatory law (police measures, fee notices, enforcement measures) or municipal law. But also, in peripheral areas such as tax law, environmental law or public procurement law, our clients entrust us with their matters repeatedly.
We also focus in particular on commercial administrative law, especially questions of trade law, such as questions concerning the installation permit or confirmation of suitability of slot machine operators.
As in all areas of our activity, our goal is to help our clients to realize their wishes as quickly, cost-effectively and comprehensively as possible. However, this also means to prevent legal disputes in the exchange with the authorities already in the administrative procedure. We can therefore look back on many years of fruitful cooperation with a wide range of public authorities and administrative staff.